Rounded thumbs with 3d perspective and reflection



To achieve the image at the left, we first to think what we need to do and in which order. First we need to apply rounded corners and afterwards to make a reflection, otherwise the rounded corners are not reflected. Then we need to turn the image in perspective and scale it down to the desired size, which is for this tutorial a width of 256 pixels. This is the base, but we will add some extra actions to optimize it. If you are lazy, you can open the action list from the library (or download it here if you still use Phatch 0.1).

You can add actions by pressing the '+' button in the toolbar or by the menu (Edit>Add). If you are new to Phatch, it is recommended to read the first tutorial, as it explains more the basics about adding actions and executing action lists.

In this tutorial we will work a lot with percent (%) instead of pixels. This has the advantage that this action list is independent of the image size.

Source image

This tutorial will be illustrated with one image. Once you have your action list ready, you can apply it recursively to folders and subfolders with thousands of images!


Scale & Rounded Corners



First we add a scale action. If we work with large images it is good to scale them down first a bit, as this will speed up the process. (It is not necessary to make a reflection and perspective of your whole 10 megapixel photo if we want only a 256 pixel thumbnail in the end. The perspective action is very slow compared to other actions.) I recommend to scale it down to four times the size of our final thumbnail size, which is 1024 pixels (=4 x 256). You have to fill this in for the width and height. Also put the resample filter on antialias, as it gives better quality for downsampling.

Rounded Corners

You can leave the default options as they are. Phatch often offers you nice settings for actions already. You could change radius here or make for example the top-left and bottom-right corner square instead of rounded. Our image looks now like this:


Reflection & Perspective


Browse the action categories

Reflection and Perspective are not belong to the default actions. Therefore we need to find them in another category. When you click on the top right button which displays 'Select', you will see a list of all the action categories. As reflection and perspective do transformations on the image, you will find them in the category 'transform'. They also affect the border of the image, so you can choose also the 'border' category. If you really can't find an action, you can always choose 'all' and filter the results in the search box.



Change the background colour to white and the opacity to 90. The image looks now like this:



Change the background colour to white and the offsets to zero. Phatch will turn the image in three dimensions, which means that the image becomes smaller. Therefore we will need to crop with canvas size. To make it clear, I've put a slightly coloured background:


Crop, Scale & Save


Crop (canvas size)

We crop with the action canvas size. The values of the cropping you can find by executing your action list without cropping on one image and measuring the values in your favorite photo editor (for example Gimp). But everything is prepared in this tutorial, so you can just take the same values as in the screenshot on the left.



We want the thumbnail to be 256 pixels wide and the height should follow. Therefore we take a too large size for the height, so that the width is always the constraining factor. Also notice we have set 'Constrain Proportions' to true.


Of course we want the image on our hard drive, so Phatch always needs a save action at the end.


Press the execute button in the toolbar or use the menu (Tools>Execute). Your thumbnails will now be generated in the folder with the same name as the source images, but with the suffix '_copy' at the end. You can apply this for as many images you want. Good luck!

Phatch Example

The screenshots in the following pictures were created with this recipee. They were afterwards put together in Gimp with a square gradient on the background.

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