Virtually any photo manager lets you perform mundane tasks like adjusting contrast, adding a watermark, and applying effects to your photos. But even powerful applications like digiKam and F-Spot can't really help you when you need to perform the same action (or a sequence of actions) on dozens or hundreds of photos. For that you need a batch processing utility like Phatch. This nifty tool can perform no fewer than 35 different actions on your photos, and its user-friendly graphical interface makes it easy to create advanced multistep batch rules.
It took me 10 minutes to set up, a lot less than writing a bash file… Phatch is very polished (for its early stage of development), does what it says and (as far as I can judge) reliably so. One thing I really liked what the way to “icon down” Phatch on your desktop: any image file / folder you drag & drop on the “Phatch droplet” will be processed with the current batch file.
There are moments when you need to do some basic image editing, like adding shadows or watermarks to a large number of images and you are running out of time, so you can't just edit them one by one. A problem that I also encountered until I found out about Phatch, a marvelous utility that could be your best friend when you have to change many pictures and you're short on time.
Imo Gimp is actually better than all the commecrial tools as a pure photo editor (that's what i use it for) but batch processing is still a (very) weak point. Luckily there is fantastic application just appeared recently called Phatch (Photo Batch) which is GPL and cross platform and an incredibly good tool for all kinds of batch processing of images. It complements Gimp perfectly, filling in a big and possibly never to be filled gap. Finally I can do all my editing and batch processing easily and reliably without any non-free tools or Win only apps running on wine….I thought the day might never arrive.
If you are a scrapbooker, ebay seller or just a photo hobbyist, Phatch should be in your toolkit. It saves time, provides consistency of effort, and very nicely is Free.
I use Phatch for all my batch image processing in Linux. In Windows I use Lightroom, but whenever I need to add a watermark, resize and compress for web, I do it in a few clicks with Phatch.
All platforms: Add drop shadows, round corners, resize and do much more to multiple photos at once with Phatch, a free batch image processing program. Phatch guides a user through creating customized, reusable "action lists." Once a list is set up, it can be used to, for instance, size a folder of images down to 1024 pixels wide, round the top two corners with a five percent radius and convert them all to PNG files.
Phatch is a easiest and powerful batch image processing utility for all Windows, Linux and Mac users.
I downloaded it a couple days ago and since then have been using it to spruce up my Associated Content screen shots. I have to say that after a little while of getting used to what it can do (and how to go about using it), that Phatch is a pretty good program.
A very promising application is on the horizon, Phatch, a photo batch editor.
If you’re using Phatch, you will save a lot of time.
I just used it to make all my wedding photos usable on the internet.
Truly wonderful, I wanted a batch program to just resize etc from photographer quality to internet friendly, and that's exactly what I got.
No muss no fuss.
I was done in 5 mins. so erm… keep up the great work!
I'm really impressed with Phatch, thank you! It's nice that it can upscale images as I found that gthumb's resizer can't do this essential task.
- Kulcsár Kázmé (email)
Phatch is a very good software and we like it. My girlfriend use it for watermarking self-photographed product pictures for auctions like ebay, she sells pearls and beads. I created a shadowed white text with transparency in png format for watermark. I need a plugin for blurred white border, I'll try to write it. :) I think that some users don't know about that the negative offset is the key for positioning the watermark to the right side. However the user interface is logical and intuitive. Thank you very much for developing it!
- Philip Casey (email)
In short, it works a dream. I have never been able to get rounded edges on pictures
before, and now I can. It took a few false starts - I'm still not sure how to make a save in the
end, but I've no doubt I'll work it out with practice - but to see the result is fantastic.
Phatch est une petite boîte à outils pour lots d’images : redimensionnement, réorientation, renommage, … autant d’actions qui demandent plusieurs heures quand elles sont entreprises image par image. Tout cela, Phatch le réalise le plus simplement du monde : deux trois clics et quelques minutes suffisent !
Ravi que ce p’tit logiciel puisse t’être utile. Alors bien entendu, de nombreux logiciels permettent le traitement des images par lot (notamment gthumb… quoique un peu incohérent en matière de redimensionnment…) mais celui-ci est bien pensé, propre, rapide, efficace… Convaincant quoi ! Un p’tit utilitaire dédié et, comme moi ;-) le dit, évolutif ! Il y a fort à parier que cette petite merveille va évoluer rapidement.
L'avantage de Phatch sur Kim, c'est que tu peux mettre des opérations à la file, que tu paramètre une seule fois, et ensuite tu peux aller prendre ton café le temps qu'il finisse le traitement… Kim, lui, quand tu as tout renommé (par exemple), tu doit lancer l'opération suivante…
Pour celles et ceux que ça intéresse, j'ai utilisé, sous Ubuntu, le très pratique logiciel Phatch (comme PHoto bATCH) pour, d'une part, ajouter la watermark en bas à droite des images et, d'autre part, réduire la taille des images, le tout automatiquement pour toutes les photos d'un même répertoire.
Das Programm “Phatch Photo Batch Processor” vereint 35 Filter und Effekte zur Bildoptimierung.
Phatch revolutioniert die Bildbearbeitung im Batch mit simplen Kochrezepten.
Bei Phatch kann man mit wenigen Klicks sich den »Ablauf« für die anzuwendenden Effekte schnell und unkompliziert »zusammenklicken«.
Otra de las cosas interesantes que veo en esta aplicación es el poder ordenar las acciones y su gran manejo y configuración de todas y cada una de las acciones disponibles.
En linux como para casi todo, hay mil maneras de solucionar esto (scripts para el mismo nautilus, plugins para gimp, etc) y una muy buena es usando Phatch (Photo Batch), que te permite hacer eso y muchos tipos de ediciones mas. Un gran punto a favor es el poder agregar cada tipo de edición como una acción y poder combinarlas entre si para lograr diferentes resultados, ademas de poder guardar tus listas de acciones por si realizas lo mismo seguido.
Phatch es una herramienta tremendamente fácil de usar y realmente inteligente ya que nos permite crear listas de acciones a ejecutar, y guardarlas para su uso posterior, algo que es de agradecer.
Phatch es una herramienta muy fácil de usar y realmente inteligente ya que nos permite crear listas de acciones a ejecutar, y guardarlas para su uso posterior, algo que es de agradecer.
El siguiente paso era redimensionar las fotos a un tamaño estándar y ponerlas a 300 ppp. Esto lo hacía con ACDSee, pero el ShowFoto no lo contempla. Podría hacerlo una por una antes de salvarla y pasar a la siguiente, pero prefiero el Photo Batch.
Geweldig!! Ik zit in een stichting die oude fotoś van ons dorp verzamelt en digitaliseerd. We gebruiken het programma AskSam een freeform database program om alles te archiveren. We hebben nu zoń kleine 30000 fotoś gescand en gebruiken hiervan sterk verkleinde copietjes in de database om snel een idee van de foto te hebben. Jou programma is dus een ware uitkomst voor me!! Mijn dank is dan ook groot.