For work, we need to convert PDF files to JPG files regularly.
The boss and most of the staff use Windows, so they had to go out and purchase a batch image conversion server.
I came on board and showed them that I could use Imagemagick in Linux to get the same effect:
for file in `ls *.pdf`; do
convert $file -resize 800x800 `echo $file | sed 's/\.pdf$/\.jpg/'`
This worked great for me as it converted the 50 files in under a minute and appeared fine in Firefox.
Unfortunately, the files could not be viewed in Internet Explorer on Windows (just another reason to hate IE).
It took me a long long time to figure out the problem until I used Phatch's Tools > Image Inspector to find that the files were actually in CMYK colour space and not RGB. (Duh! What happened to my two years of graphic design education and many more years of experience?)
I was also frustrated with Ubuntu's (including Windows' and Mac's) lack of a good image converter program. So using Ubuntu's brainstorm, I submitted an idea for the creation of a Gnome/GTK file converter (e.g. a front-end to Imagemagick) [1]
To my surprise a program like that had already been created and in fact was already included in Ubuntu (Hardy and now Intrepid). That program, was of course Phatch!
Unfortunately, as much as your program is amazing and has some features that I would have never thought of (e.g. rounded corners) it appears to be missing - what is most important to me - file conversion.
I was just wondering if there is a plan to add the ability to convert PDF files to JPG, etc. any time soon? I'm not sure what kind of libraries that would require or if Imagemagick has a Python API, but I would find it very useful.
Thank you for listening!