I am trying to convert to Linux as much as possible, and I am excited about using Phatch in my photo processing (I am an amateur photographer). One of the steps in my workflow is to run a batch action on all my downloaded photos to do a lossless autorotate based on exif orientation. Doing this in IrfanView Thumbnails results in a file size exactly the same as the original (i.e. no loss in quality). With Phatch, I assumed I would not add a Save action after the lossless rotation because this would result in a loss in quality. But running the lossless rotation action by itself results in a file with 0 bytes. So I added a Save metadata action, but that still resulted in a 0 byte file. Adding a Save action gives me an output file that is rotated, but the quality setting in the Save action results is applied to the saved file, with resulting loss.
Is there a way to apply the lossless rotation and losslessly save the result?