Action Scale
Width of the image. If the width is given in inch, cm or mm, it will be calculated based on the dpi.
Height of the image. If the height is given in inch, cm or mm, it will be calculated based on the dpi.
Dots per inch. The value <dpi> keeps the default resolution of the photo.
Resample Image
This action offers four different resampling filters:
- nearest (fastest, lowest quality) Pick the nearest pixel from the input image. Ignore all other input pixels.
- bilineair (fast, low quality) Use linear interpolation over a 2x2 environment in the input image. Note that in the current version, this filter uses a fixed input environment when downsampling.
- bicubic (slow, high quality) Use cubic spline interpolation over a 4x4 environment in the input image. Note that in the current version, this filter uses a fixed input environment when downsampling.
- antialias (slowest, high quality downsampling filter) Calculate the output pixel value using a high-quality resampling filter (a truncated sinc) on all pixels that may contribute to the output value.
- automatic (highly recommended) This gives always the best quality, as it uses antialias for downsampling and bicubic for upsampling. Only choose a different filter if you know what you are doing.
Note that the antialias filter is the only filter that behaves properly when downsampling (that is, when converting a large image to a small one). The bilineair and bicubic filters use a fixed input environment, and are best used for scale-preserving geometric transforms and upsampling.
Scale down only
Do not resize the image if it is smaller than final size.