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Phatch is an user friendly, cross-platform Photo Batch Processor and Exif Renamer with a nice graphical user interface. Phatch handles all popular image formats and can duplicate (sub)folder hierarchies. Phatch can batch resize, rotate, apply shadows, perspective, rounded corners, … and do much more actions in minutes instead of hours or days if you do it manually.

Install Phatch and get started with the tutorials, choose your language:
english | français | deutsch | nederlands

Phatch is open source and works on Linux, Mac Os X and Windows. The only purpose of this wiki is documentation. Bug reports and blueprints (feature requests) should be registered at launchpad.

© 2007-2008 www.stani.be
(It is not allowed to copy, distribute or transmit any part of the wiki without written permission.
Only contribute to this wiki if you agree with this term.)